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The Create Room Journey Step 1: Discover your creative purpose and personality
, Brielle Davidson

The first step in The Create Room Journey is to help you clearly see the role creativity plays in your life and why you value it. This is a critical place to start, as it will give you the motivation to make the changes you seek.

Explore your creative personality

Creating something with your hands is a powerful process. It fulfills deep human needs. Through years of working closely with creators, we've discovered seven distinct reasons why we are driven to create—joy, calm, connection, energy, growth, expression, and renewal. 
Use our template to recall how your own crafting experiences have met each of the seven needs. Some may be easier to recall than others, and that's okay. Just start with whatever first comes to mind. Don’t worry if you don’t finish all seven. It’s most important to reflect on the core needs that you’re most drawn to.
As you reflect on each experience, make notes: 

  • What were you creating?
  • Who/what was it for? 
  • Were you alone or with others?
  • Describe the environment

Download template

Define your core creative purpose

Through this exercise, you probably noticed that some experiences came much more quickly than others. Go back to your sheet now and number them in order (1-7) according to which experiences were easiest to recall OR which were the most meaningful to you.   

The need that corresponds with your #1 is very likely to be your core creative purpose. With #2 and #3 being your secondary purposes. Learn more about each creative purpose below.  

Knowing your core and secondary creative purposes (or WHY you create) will keep you motivated along the journey and allow you to more intentionally fulfill these needs. One thing to note—your creative purpose may change as you go through different stages and phases of life. 

Learn the story behind each shape

Picture Your Success

Let’s take some time now to envision future creative experiences and the ideal environment to fulfill your creative purposes, core and secondary. Write it down. Be specific. 

For example, someone whose core creative purpose was renewal, with connection and joy as secondary, might envision something like this — I have my own creative space where I can go to feel refreshed. There is enough room for my loved ones to join me. The things I create are primarily to bring happiness to others.

Keep this somewhere you can refer back to. We recommend printing out your core creative purpose (see how to download it below) and writing your vision statements on the back. 

Make your pledge 

We are so happy you're here. Let us know you're starting the journey! Download your core creative purpose (and secondary if you like) and share on Facebook or Instagram. Be sure to tag @createroomco and use #createroomjourney so we see it! 

Click on the word to download.

Calm / Expression / Growth / Connection / Energy / Joy / Renewal 




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