Throughout several years of working alongside creators, we've discovered seven distinct reasons why we are driven to create—joy, calm, connection, energy, growth, expression, and renewal. We call these the creative intentions.

Create Room For Expression
Take a moment to think. What kinds of activities help you express yourself?
For you, expression might be discovered through writing or drawing, branching out of your comfort zone, creating for others, and trying new things. Whatever it is, it is important to find how to express yourself through your creativity and take time for it in your busy schedule. How will you carve out time for more of that this month? Or, if you're drawing a blank, we invite you to spend some time this month exploring creative activities that help you find better expression.
We asked our founder, Yvonne, to share her thoughts.
“I love seeing how my friends express themselves through their creativity! A couple of weeks ago my dear, new friend gifted a gorgeous handmade baby blanket and a stuffed elephant for my new grandson! The colors and patterns she chose remind me of her. She is fun, kind, and giving, which makes it so much more meaningful. My heart warms with gratitude for the time and effort she gave. I see her love in each color and each stitch.
I hope all of us can make time to create, express ourselves, and bring a little joy to others the way so many have done for me.”
Resources to help you create room for expression:
We're all busy and it's easy to forget. Click on an image below (or hold down if you're on a phone!) to download one of our expression themed phone wallpapers and set it as your home or lock screen as a consistent reminder of your commitment to focus on personal expression this month!
Our team handpicked some songs that help them feel energetic and expressive. Turn on this playlist while you create this month to enhance the feelings of expression!