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The Create Room Journey Step 2: Identify Barriers
, Brielle Davidson

Welcome to step two of the Create Room Journey. You identified your core creative purpose in step one. Well done! This next step is critical to help you clearly identify your barriers to creative joy. These road blocks are most likely preventing you from fulfilling your core creative purpose. After you identify the road blocks, we'll give you guidance to remove them in step three. Let's go. 

The 8 barriers to creativity 

A barrier is anything that restricts access. You may already be aware of some of yours, but others are likely lurking undetected. In the last 12 years of working closely with crafters, interviewing and polling thousands of you and visiting hundreds of your homes, we’ve found eight specific barriers to creativity: storage, organization, workspace, time, energy, confidence, skills, and tools. We have proven tips to remove each barrier so please reflect and be honest with yourself. We will get you through

Use our template to uncover your barriers to creativity. Download template.

Once you’ve identified your barriers, prioritize them. Number one should be your biggest barrier. How does it feel to have them all on one page? Congratulations! This is a big step towards more creative joy. And rest assured, you are not alone. Please share your barriers and see that there are others like you. We are in this Journey together. 

Share your progress 

We all have barriers to overcome. You are not alone. Let us know what you discovered on this step of the journey. Download either the interactive graphic or your #1 barrier (below) and share on Facebook, Instagram or Instagram Story. Be sure to use #createroomjourney and tag @createroomco so we see it!


Download the interactive graphic for Facebook or Instagram Story

Download an individual barrier - time / workspace / organization / storage / energy / tools / confidence / skills / other 




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